Send visual feedback into 2.600+ apps thanks to Webhooks + Zapier
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Send visual feedback into 2.600+ apps thanks to Webhooks + Zapier

Last updated:
March 12, 2020

    Connect to thousands of apps like Azure DevOps, Basecamp and ClickUp by tapping into's new Webhooks integration combined with Zapier.

    Whether you’re collecting website feedback from users or getting your internal team to report bugs, developers across the board always have 1 requirement: They want all bug reports and website feedback to be logged into their existing issue tracker. already has deep native integrations with most popular tools on the market such as Trello, Jira, Asana, GitHub and more… However, if your tech team was using tools not supported by, it wasn’t possible for your team to collect feedback via

    Thanks to our new Webhooks integration, you can now collect and send feedback anywhere you want.

    Use case #1: Send into any tools via Zapier

    If you are looking for an easy way to get visual website feedback collected via into tools such as Azure DevOps, Basecamp, ClickUp, Pivotal tracker, and more, Zapier is your best bet!

    Depending on your favorite tool, we created step-by-step tutorials for each integration below:

    If you’re using one of the 2.600+ apps supported by Zapier, but which is not listed here, we wrote a detailed guide about how to connect to any apps via Zapier here. All you’ll need is to tweak the Zap according to your needs.

    Use case #2: Send into custom-built tools

    If your team is using an internal issue tracker, simply create a new Webhook destination in and provide a URL where you want us to send a `Post` request with the issue data to.

    This setup requires a bit of technical knowledge so feel free to forward this documentation about our Webhook integration to one of your developers where he or she will learn about the type of data will send to your defined endpoint.

    Coming soon!

    We are making amazing progress on our most requested product feature → the ability to embed inside your website via a script.

    This will allow admins to install directly on websites and start collecting feedback into destinations instantly. If you're interested in this feature, we're looking for Beta testers.

    Fill out this short survey to be part of the beta.

    We'll be in touch soon!

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