Replay user bugs and issues with
LogRocket +

Rewatch user sessions to understand the steps that led to bugs, right from inside your favorite issue tracker

Amazing teams use with LogRocket

fantasypros logowetransfer logo
“ is the easiest reporting tool I've ever used. It is a one-click job. There is nothing to learn, anyone can do it.”
- Monty, CTO at Darcy Partner

Install LogRocket &

Mark-up bugs and feedback without ever leaving your website.

Embed both snippet codes for LogRocket and in your site.
Explore widget

Collect issues via our website widget

Connect your website to
your bug tracker.

Explore destinations
Collect user feedback and bug reports from your web app into your issue tracker

Access user recordings inside your issues

Connect your website to
your bug tracker.

Explore destinations
Issues will be sent into your favorite project management tool like Trello, Jira, GitHub and more.

Replay user session,
at the exact timestamp.

Connect your website to
your bug tracker.

Explore destinations
Navigate in LogRocket's timeline and review steps that led to user bugs.
native integrations

Works with your tools

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Frequently Asked Questions

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