bug tracking tool

Report and resolve bugs 10x faster

Bug reporting and bug tracking tool for websites.

3500+ customers in over 135 countries trust Marker.io for bug tracking

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Explain visually

Mark-up bugs and feedback without ever leaving your website.

"Our clients love the annotation and markup tools"
- Josh, Founder at Mobile App City
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Bug reporting

Reproduce bugs faster

Connect your website to
your bug tracker.

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“Our developers have everything they need to debug and fix issues”
- Andrew, Product Manager at Fantasy Pros
Session replay

Travel back in time

Connect your website to
your bug tracker.

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“I love that we get a video of exactly what happened to our users”
- Cody Wheeler, Scrum Master at Samtec.com

Collaborate with stakeholders


Connect your website to
your bug tracker.

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“We cut down client emails by 70%”
- Melodie, Founder at Business Tech Ninjas
2-way integrations

Connect to dev tools

Connect your website to
your bug tracker.

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“We used to copy/paste client emails into Jira.”
- Lauren, Owner at Once Coupled
Security & privacy

Keeping your data safe

4.3 out of 5 stars from 185 reviews
4.7 out of 5 stars from 22 reviews
4.8 out of 5 stars from 52 reviews