Keep your Clients in the Loop with Feedback Status
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Keep your Clients in the Loop with Feedback Status

Last updated:
April 20, 2020

    We’re so excited to introduce Feedback Statuses!

    The best way to update your clients, while keeping them out of your internal tools.

    Check it out 👀👇

    How it works

    So you’ve set up your destination, invited your clients and now they’re on their website, busy shooting feedback through

    Naturally, they’ll ask: How do I know when my issues have been fixed?

    With his new update, clients now get their own dashboard and see every piece of feedback they’ve ever reported inside your to tools

    Think of this as a simplified view of all feedback reported by your clients inside your project management tool, In this example we’ll assume your team is on Trello and as you can see, makes it possible for clients to view the issue, but without having access to your Trello board.  

    And don’t worry, internal feedback reported by members is never visible to external clients.

    Now, as your team members complete tasks and issue, they can let the client know something has been fixed, update the client status, and go back to work. Clients will immediately see the status updated and can even filter issues to only see the what is still open.

    They can also click on any item in the list and get a detailed view of their issue, much like what your team members can access, but with less information and more restrictions.

    And finally, if you’re working with multiple clients on the same project, you’d want to avoid people reporting the same issue twice.

    That’s why clients can also see feedback reported by other clients and review existing issues first before deciding to submit a duplicate issue.

    Because let’s be honest, nothing is more frustrating for a developer than to receive the same bug report multiple times :)

    And you’re not comfortable with that feature, you can easily switch that option off in the destination settings.

    That's a wrap

    Your team can now spend less time responding to emails and phone calls, and more time building great web projects for your clients.

    Coming soon!

    We are making amazing progress on our most requested product feature → the ability to embed inside your website via a script.

    This will allow admins to install directly on websites and start collecting feedback into destinations instantly. If you're interested in this feature, we're looking for Beta testers.

    Fill out this short survey to be part of the beta.

    We'll be in touch soon!

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